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The Puffco Plus is a practical solution for you if you are looking for a simple and handy, yet powerful concentrate vaporizer.
One of its most interesting features is the integrated mouthpiece attachment, which allows the user to vaporize concentrates with the greatest possible efficiency.
Compared to the original, award-winning first generation of the Puffco Plus, the Puffco Plus V2 comes with a revised mouthpiece, an even slimmer design and an improved battery. In addition, the shape of the dart has been slightly changed compared to the V1 so that it absorbs your concentrates even better.
We now have the brand new V3 on offer for you!
In contrast to its predecessor, the V2, the PUFFCO PLUS V3 has an integrated silicone grip that ensures that your fingers stay pleasantly cool when the ceramic chamber is heated.
Simply select in the options whether you want to buy the V2 or V3.
A true innovation from Puffco: a carburettor cap, a loading tool and a splash guard have been integrated into the mouthpiece. You can extend the dart by pressing on the tip of the mouthpiece. This also guarantees fast and problem-free charging of the device.
Thanks to the special ceramic heating chamber, the Puffco Plus is able to deliver a purer flavor profile than most other vaporizers - as well as ensuring easier cleaning and maintenance as the loaded material never comes into direct contact with the heating element.
Depending on your preferences and the corresponding load, choose your desired heat level from three different options. From a light, flavorful hit to a thick cloud of vapor.
With a simple double-click of the power button on the Puffco Plus, you can activate the innovative Sesh Mode, which allows continuous vaporization for 12 seconds without having to press the button while inhaling.
You can find the official PUFFCO Plus manual including pictures and valuable tips, do's and don'ts here .
Additionally only with V3 on top:
Das Gerät ist top. Auch wenn der Akku nicht groß ist, lässt es sich oft benutzen.